CAMWS 2024: Ancient Greek Textile Production in Action
Thursday, April 4, I presented at a workshop 'Ancient Greek Textile Production in Action' that I organized for CAMWS 2024 in St. Louis.
I was joined by two wonderful archaeologists, Dr. Laura Gawlinski and Dr. Laura Mazow. Dr. Mazow presented on fiber preparation, and Dr. Gawlinski presented on weaving on the warp-weighted loom and using textile tools and knowledge in the classroom. I presented on ancient Greek spinning. Afterwards, we had a wonderful time leading some interactive stations where people got to try weaving, spinning, felting, etc.
Attached here are my slides on spinning, in case they can be of use to anybody. I am always excited to talk about modern or ancient fiber arts so certainly let me know if you have any questions. For more information about my spinning, check out also thread spinning adventures and DIY spindles/3D printed spindles.