September 24, 2024
Loooooong time no Odyssey but I am back at it! I have been spending most of my crafting time on spinning and then on making stuff with the yarn I have spun, as well as getting into crochet. But I will finish this project! Today I finished up book 19 so I officially have 5 books to go. This book ended up with a lot of extra ends to wweave in courtesy of the cat biting my yarn in two when I wasn't paying close enough attention. In this book Pennelope and Odysseus converse while Odysseus is still in disguise (but maybe Penelope knows what's up...) The same color yarn will be used for book 23 when the two of them unite properly. This update is brought to you from the grad office after knitting through a myth class discussion of the Bacchae.

March 28, 2023
new needles in, yarn bought for all of the books except for 24, and I have finished book 18 and started 19. This thing is looking huge! I have no idea how I am going to block it in the end (knitting thing, don't worry about it non-knitters).

March 17, 2023
Finished book 17 at last and got a nice way's in to book 18 when I very prudently stepped on my needle and snapped it. This was actually already the second set of needles for this project because my first set arrived with a small crack which eventually snapped a few books in way back near book 3 or something. Ah well, now to wait on set 3 to arrive!

I buy all my yarn for this project online from I have a master plan of all the colors that I planned out in advance, and then I buy them in batches in advance. Here's some of the yarn for the next few books all wound up. I have bought all the yearn now except for the final book, I believe.

December 12, 2022
Telemachus and Odysseus have reunited at last in a stripe of rich purple. Now on to the crazy complicated end books, looking ahead to tense moments with Penelope and slaughter in the halls. Still keeping me cozy in my new place! Knitting brought to you now from St. Louis.

July 28, 2022
I spent a long time knitting very little (on the Odyssey, see my vase hats for what I was working on), and taking pictures of my progress even less. In this time I picked up the harp and lyre, applied and got accepted to graduate school, went to lyre school in Italy, and loads more things, so I think it's pretty excusable. Still, progress was made, and here the Odyssey is serving as a great blanket on an overnight Amtrak.

October 7, 2021
When I started I had a dream of making this project into something wearable so that I could go around wearing the Odyssey. It's really going to be too big and squishy to be anything but a blanket ultimately, but here it is at optimal cloak size in my dimly lit dorm apartment.

September 26, 2021
One year in and I have completed 13 books. In theory, this means I could finish in two years. In actuality, the vast majority of the knitting got done when I was in online classes and I expect it will be at least three years before I see the thing finished. [update: that was very optimistic]

June 22, 2021
The Odyssey is now quite big enough to keep my lap nice and cozy while I knit. Summer knitting brought to you from Athens, Ohio.

March 21, 2021
Beginning the descent into the got a lot slower as I got back to in person classes, but Odysseus still forges on! Fagles matches 1 and 4 quite nicely. Knitting now happening on campus in Ohio.

December 2, 2020
Seven books in and I can knit with it wrapped around me. I got a lot of knitting done during these beginning months because my classes were all online and I would knit through them.

September 30, 2020
Book one is done! A royal array or purple and red to herald the arriving of Athena to Telemachus in the grisly hall of suitors. Knit at my parent's house in Boston during pandemic lockdown.